WVRHOA Rules and CCR interpretations


From time-to-time, it is necessary to adopt new rules or interpret specific CCR's within the neighborhood to provide clarity and consistency.  Over the years, the Board has adopted rules to address problems and provided interpretations to specific CCR's that lacked clarity.  Rules, Interpretations, and Procedures adopted by the Board are discussed and referenced below.

  1. Rule - Vehicle Use - revision
  2. Rule - Vehicle Use - original
  3. Procedure - CCR Enforcement
  4. Interpretation - CCR Article 12, Section 7 - Animals
  5. Interpretation - CCR Article 12, Section 14 - Seasonal Lighting

Vehicle Use Rule (rev 1)- effective June 1, 2011

 All licensed vehicles operated within the development shall be operated by a licensed driver and are subject to all State of Washington Motor Vehicle Rules and Regulations.  All Association Lot Owners, their families, and guests shall adhere to all State of Washington Driver, Motor Vehicle, Road and Highway Laws, and Regulations while operating a motorized vehicle on an association roadway or right of way.  This shall apply to all “on and off road” electric, diesel, and gas engine vehicles. 

No unlicensed motorized vehicle including motorcycles, ATV’s, go-carts, etc., shall be operated in or on any Street, Homeowner Lot, or Association Common Area.  Any motor vehicle making repeated trips in and around the property and roadway shall automatically be deemed a nuisance.  Lawnmowers and other residential landscaping vehicles are excepted. Battery powered toys, i.e.: electric scooters, Hot Wheels etc. can be used; ONLY with immediate adult supervision.

Any vehicles operating in violation of this rule are deemed a nuisance and shall subject the Homeowner to fines as follows:

First offense -                                          50.00

Second offense -                                   $100.00

Third and subsequent offenses -             $250.00

This Rule revision was adopted by the WVR Board of Directors at the Board of Directors Meeting held May, 10, 2011.

Vehicle Use Rule - effective March 1, 2005 (see revision, above)

 All licensed vehicles operated within the development shall be operated by a licensed driver and are subject to all State of Washington Motor Vehicle Rules and Regulations.  All Association Lot Owners, their families, and guests shall adhere to all State of Washington Driver, Motor Vehicle, Road and Highway Laws, and Regulations while operating a motorized vehicle on an association roadway or right of way.  This shall apply to all “on and off road” electric, diesel, and gas engine vehicles. 

No unlicensed motorized vehicle including motorcycles, ATV’s, go-carts, etc., shall be operated in or on any Street, Homeowner Lot, or Association Common Area.  Any motor vehicle making repeated trips in and around the property and roadway shall automatically be deemed a nuisance.  Lawnmowers and other residential landscaping vehicles are excepted. 

Any vehicles operating in violation of this rule are deemed a nuisance and shall subject the Homeowner to fines as follows:

First offense -                                      $ 50.00

Second offense -                                  $100.00

Third and subsequent offenses -            $250.00

This Rule was adopted by the WVR Board of Directors at the r Board of Directors Meeting held February 15, 2005.


CCR Enforcement Procedure - effective September 1, 2006

A  CCR enforcement procedure was adopted by the Board of Directors as a result of input provided by Homeowners during the 2006 Homeowner survey.  Homeowners expressed an interest in having the Wildview Ridge CCR's uniformly and consistently enforced using a combination of warnings and fines.  After much discussion and Homeowner feedback, a new procedure has been developed and will go into effect on September 1, 2006.

For a complete text of the procedure, follow this link.

Interpretation - CCR Article 12, Section 7 - Animals

The phrase "No animals (pets) except dogs, cats, caged birds, fish and tanks, and other household pets, will be permitted on Lots." shall be interpreted to include a restriction on any and all farm animals including, but not limited to chickens, cows, goats, horses, mules, or pigs, etc.  In this reference, the term  "caged birds" refers to indoor pets (e.g., parrot, parakeet, etc) that are kept caged and are not free to roam outdoors.  Farm animals are not permitted on any lot due the potential for noise, sanitary concerns, potential predators or pests, and overall nuisance potential.

Interpretation - CCR Article 12, Section 14 - Seasonal Lighting

The CCR phrase "This restriction on outdoor lighting shall not in any way be construed to limit the right of any Lot Owner to install typical exterior lighting on structures and within yard areas for security purposes, or to install specialty lighting, such as, but not limited to lighting associated with holidays, such as Christmas" is intended to permit seasonal lighting for various holidays.  The term "season" is interpreted as a difinitive period of time during which  temporary lighting or decorations for the holiday in question may be installed without ACC approval.  All such lighting must be removed after the season.   No seasonal lighting shall be permitted to remain on the exterior of the residence or lot beyond 30 days following the holiday.  This includes lights and decorations associated with the holiday.

Homeowners that wish to install permanent lights on the exterior of the residence or lot are governed by ACC rules and procedures and should contact the ACC to apply for approval according to ACC requirements.

This site was last updated 10/20/22