WVRHOA - How Do I...?

How does it work or who do I call - who should you call for help or more information on the neighborhood?

Most of the neighborhood contacts are volunteers and will try to help with any questions or problems as soon as possible. A complete list of committee members is available here. Please contact the following for the specific issues listed.

  • ACC project application - All plans should be submitted to the Architectural Control Committee before any construction, home modifications, or major landscaping project begins using the WVR ACC Application.

  • CCR violation reporting - Call or email JC Higgins.  They will follow up with you.

  • Entrance lighting problems - call a member of the Maintenance Committee.

  • Gate open/close schedule - see link for Gate Instructions. Contact the gatekeeper with questions or to schedule the gate to be open.

  • Gate problems or general questions - call a member of the Maintenance Committee.

  • Mailbox lost key - call the Post Office or the locksmith of your choice.  The Homeowners Association does not have keys to individual mailboxes.  In the event of a lost key, you will have to replace it at your own expense.

  • Street Lights - call JC Higgins who will contact Puget Sound Energy to affect repairs. You will need to refer to the location of the light and the actual light number, which is located on the light pole. There is also a listing of the light poles here.

  • Volunteering - call a member of the appropriate committee or a Board Member.

  • Wells - call a Wells Committee member or JC Higgins.  Information about the well systems is on the well committee page.

The majority of committee members are your neighbors that work outside the neighborhood and will return calls or emails as soon as possible. 

You should always contact JC Higgins for any (non-life threatening) emergency that requires immediate attention. 

Call 911 for any life-threatening emergencies.

This site was last updated 09/10/2022.