The gate system is monitored and controlled for security reasons. Please be aware that any codes you are issued should not be shared outside your immediate family or guests. The codes are unique and confidential and help protect the neighborhood from unauthorized access.
If you see someone trying to gain unauthorized access or "piggy-backing" through the gate, please inquire what they want, note their license number and, if necessary, call the police.
There are several ways to gain access to the neighborhood through the gate (see note below).
Use your remote. Some garage door, car, or generic remotes will work as well. Check the specs of your remote to see if it meets the specs, below.
Purchase a remote. Gate remotes can be purchased from any source - as long as they meet the technical requirements of the gate. The homeowner's association does not stock extra remotes. The remote should meet the specs for a Linear MDT-1A MegaCode 1-Button Visor Gate Garage Door Remote Control DNT00052A. You can buy these from Amazon or Ebay for less than $25.00 (search for "Linear MDT-1A"). Once you receive your remote, gate remotes can be programmed by the gatekeeper. Please contact him directly for programming. You will need to bring your remote to the gatekeeper (Lot 31) to have it programmed. There is no charge for programming.
Use the keypad entrance code. You were assigned a code when you moved into the neighborhood. If you do not have a remote, you can use this code to enter through the gate. Press the "key" button once, and enter your code. The gate will open. Your code can be changed at any time - contact the gatekeeper.
Guests can call your house from the keypad at the front gate. They should press the "directory" button and scroll down to your name (alphabetic by last name), then press "call". Once you have answered the telephone, you are able to speak with them through the speaker and determine if you want to permit access. Press 9 if you want to open the gate, or 4 if you want to deny access.
You can also request that a temporary access code be set up for guests (e.g., contractors, real estate sale, etc.) This will allow the guest to access the gate without your having to dial them through. The temporary access codes can be set up to be day or time-specific and have an expiry date. Contact the gatekeeper to set up a temporary code.
You can also request that the gates be left open for a set period of time (e.g., during your party or event.) Please contact the gatekeeper to have the gates open.
If you have a vendor that visits on a regular basis (garbage service, paper delivery, etc.) a gate code can be assigned that is unique for the vendor or for specific times of the day. Contact the gatekeeper to set up a vendor code.
NOTE: gatekeeper may not always available to accommodate last minute requests. Please allow at least 48 hours notice to change codes or have the gate open. For notice of less than 48 hours, no guarantees can be made about meeting your needs.